YES Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery Centre
301-8837 201 Street
Langley, BC V2Y 0C8
Phone: (604) 888-9378
Cosmetic Surgery: Mon–Fri: 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Medspa: Mon: 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Breast Augmentation Before & After Case 29

Before & After
Case Details
5'3" tall and 120 lbs. This lady is 30 years old and had completed her family. She has two children with the youngest now two years old. She felt that her breasts were too small, deflated and old looking. Her request was for much larger, firmer and younger looking breasts.
An assessment of her tissues indicated that she was a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Round and shaped cohesive silicone gel implants were offered to her. Round 378 cc silicone gel implants were placed into a subpectoral position. 6 months after surgery she was extremely happy with her results.
The slightly larger than recommended and round shaped implants have contributed to her achieving this result. A more natural appearing upper pole would have been achieved with a smaller and shaped cohesive silicone gel implant. The small differences in nipple position are a function of her pre-operative anatomy and do not take away from her satisfaction with this surgery. The scars were placed in the breast crease and have healed uneventfully.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Mathew C. Mosher, MD
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.